MTM PRO Blog2025-02-09T04:58:48+00:00Zend_Feed_Writer's best laparoscopic
surgeon has now opened a bariatric clinic for health.
Dr.Metz is the first bariatric surgeon in the region to offer the
Laparoscopic Loop Duodenal Switch!He has helped dozens find a path to a healthier, more
fulfilled lifestyle.Check him out on his website bariatricspa.comDr. Metz offers bariatric surgery in both Denver and Parker,
Colorado.2013-05-19T20:25:00+00:00 News!!Finally there's a website that sells quality kids clothes, toys,
and games at deep discounts, with daily deals, and a whole
community of support.Visit for great prices on clothes toys
and accessories for kids, moms, and dads.And feel free to spend lots of money :)Thanks!2011-10-07T02:40:00+00:00
cleanse. What does that even mean? What can possibly be
cleansed with a juice, and how? American Yogini can answer these
questions, as well as other health questions relating to your
body.The basic idea of juice
cleansing consists of different methods of cleansing the body.
American Yogini personally creates these special fruit and
vegetable juice blends which are used as a detox for the body.
There are different menus, where each contains a different mix of
juices all with proper nutrients to keep your body satisfied and
healthy. So you can have a choice as to which mix you prefer. Not
only can these juices be ordered online, but American Yogini
provides weekend retreats as well. There they have created a
fun-filled weekend, designed special to rejuvenate you and keep
your body healthy. You want to stay healthy and live your life to
its fullest? Go on then and have a look at where it all takes place
at you ever want to run test transactions using real credit
card data on a LIVE account without having to put it
into TEST MODE?Well this can easily be done by including the x_test_request
field with a value of "TRUE" in the transaction request string to Transactions posted against live merchant accounts using
this method are not submitted to financial institutions for
authorization and are not stored in the Merchant Interface.If testing in the live environment is successful, you are ready
to submit live transactions and verify that they are being
submitted successfully. Either remove the x_test_request field from
the transaction request string or set it to "FALSE".Sources - Authorize.Net:AIM:Test Transactions2011-03-22T05:17:00+00:00 bet! Sounds too good to be true?
Ask us - you'll be surprised at what $500 can get you.
A fully functional, custom designed ecommerce website, complete
with payment gateways and secure credit card transaction
processing.Contact us
today for details.2011-03-03T01:56:00+00:00 NEED to feel clean! Your biorhythm and your aura have got to be
in sync with your chi. Ever notice things just don't 'feel' right?
you NEED a juice cleansing. What kind? ahhh- with the variety
American Yogini has - they have one just right for you. Check out
the juice @ the American Yogini Juice
Cleansing Store today!2011-03-01T16:59:00+00:00, Sales, Marketing, Project Management, Supervising,
Billing, HR, Quality Assurance, Testing, Troubleshooting, Providing
Vision, Creating Innovation, Acquisitions, Overtime. I'm sure
there's more, but just what I've listed here hurts my head to think
This list, while by no means complete, can give the average worker
a bit of an insight what responsibilities us small business owners
have to juggle on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis.
Why do we do it?
Is it just a desire for riches, fame, and power?
Or is there substance behind the myth called 'The Entrepreneurial
I think I do it because I'm a glutton for punishment :)
Either that, or it provides all the excuses I need why I can't go
to an in-law related family function (Oh, I'm sorry, I have to take
care of something crucial at work...)2011-02-10T23:34:00+00:00 Apptrack! The
best applicant tracking software on the market today - built
specifically for skilled nursing facilities2011-05-05T03:58:00+00:00 there a way to produce specific response codes or errors?Yes, there is a Visa error test credit card number. The payment
gateway has been designed so that this special test credit card
number can be used to generate specific response codes or errors
from Authorize.Net so that you may test your working code.To cause the payment gateway to respond with a specific response
code, send a transaction with the Visa error test credit card
number (x_card_num) 4222222222222 and an amount (x_amount) equal to
the response code you want the payment gateway to return.For example, if a transaction is sent in Test Mode with the
credit card number 4222222222222 and an amount of 12 dollars, the
payment gateway will respond with response code 12, "Authorization
Code is required but is not present."Taken from: Developer FAQs2011-02-10T23:36:00+00:00 we often find is the need to provide our clients with an
"undesigned" site (we call it a skeleton) to get a feel for what
content they need to collect in order to flesh out their new site.
There's no shortage of these tools online...many, many options are available with varying
features and ease-of-use. Two that we keep coming back to are:Slickplan - (free)Jumpchart - (free < 10 pgs)Slickplan is strictly for sitemapping. It's a
dummy-proof way to build a tree of the proposed site's structure,
including a description for each page. There's more features, check
it out. And the design of Slickplan's automated tool has even been
made into a
downloadable CSS package for use in your favorite HTML
editor.Jumpchart actually builds a navigable website for
you. You can specify titles, text and imagery to appear on each
page, as well as its placement in the overall page hierarchy. Once
pages are created, they can be viewed in webpage or sitemap form.
Again, many more tools are available and it's worth a look.2010-06-30T20:11:00+00:00've heard the expression 'The carpenter's kids go without
shoes?' Me neither - but you get the point. When you're so busy
working you can often find you don't have time to sit back and
reflect, contemplate, or express to others what you're up to. Here
at MTM we've been so involved in our clients' needs that we've been
unable to complete this planned redesign for over two years. In
fact, it's still not finished. :) But, we're closer than ever. Wish
us luck!